EOSIO Based Chains


Three types of EOSio transactions are sampled on this page:

Native Token Transfer


const eosTransferTransaction = {
  actions: [
      account: 'eosio.token',
      name: 'transfer',
      authorization: [
          actor: '', // use account that was logged in
          permission: 'active'
      data: {
        from: '', // use account that was logged in
        to: 'ore1tiqqs1kq',
        quantity: '1.0000 EOS',
        memo: 'Sent using ORE ID'


WAX native token has a precision of 8. Note the use of 8 decimal places in the quantity field.

const waxTransferTransaction = {
  actions: [
      account: 'eosio.token',
      name: 'transfer',
      authorization: [
          actor: '', // use account that was logged in
          permission: 'active'
      data: {
        from: '', // use account that was logged in
        to: 'ore1tiqqs1kq',
        quantity: '1.00000000 WAX',
        memo: 'Sent using ORE ID'


const tlosTransferTransaction = {
  actions: [
      account: 'eosio.token',
      name: 'transfer',
      authorization: [
          actor: '', // use account that was logged in
          permission: 'active'
      data: {
        from: '', // use account that was logged in
        to: 'ore1tiqqs1kq',
        quantity: '1.0000 TLOS',
        memo: 'Sent using ORE ID'

Account Resource Management

Generally, the "eosio" blockchain account is in charge of managing the systems resources. We interact with this account to buy/sell RAM, and stake/unstake the CPU and NET.


const addRamBytesTransaction = {
  actions: [
      account: 'eosio',
      name: 'buyrambytes',
      authorization: [
          actor: '', // use account that was logged in
          permission: 'active'
      data: {
        payer: '', // use account that was logged in
        receiver: '', // use account that was logged in
        bytes: 1000,

Stake CPU and NET

const addCpuNetTransaction = {
  actions: [
      account: 'eosio',
      name: 'delegatebw',
      authorization: [
          actor: '', // use account that was logged in
          permission: 'active'
      data: {
        from: '', // use account that was logged in
        receiver: '', // use account that was logged in
        stake_net_quantity: '1.0000 SYS',
        stake_cpu_quantity: '1.0000 SYS',
        transfer: false,

Unstake CPU and NET

const removeCpuNetTransaction = {
  actions: [
      account: 'eosio',
      name: 'undelegatebw',
      authorization: [
          actor: '', // use account that was logged in
          permission: 'active'
      data: {
        from: '', // use account that was logged in
        receiver: '', // use account that was logged in
        unstake_net_quantity: '1.0000 SYS',
        unstake_cpu_quantity: '1.0000 SYS',
        transfer: false,

NFT Examples

WAX Transfer Atomic Asset

const transferAssetTransaction = {
  actions: [
      account: 'atomicassets',
      name: 'transfer',
      authorization: [
          actor: '', // use account that was logged in
          permission: 'active'
      data: {
        from: '', // use account that was logged in
        to: 'aikontest111',
        asset_ids: [1099726331175] // Example Atomic Asset Id

For more Eos transaction examples, see the Eosio developer docs.

Last updated