Whitelist Blockchain Actions

Limit actions on your dApp.

Receiving an error when trying to execute a transaction using ORE ID? Check that the action is whitelisted in the Developer Dashboard.

ORE ID can perform all blockchain actions and interact with all smart contracts by requesting a signature from the end user to complete the transaction. But, in some cases, you may wish to make certain frequent transactions process more smoothly without interrupting the flow of activity in your application. To achieve this, a whitelist entry is required.

For actions that are whitelisted, a user will be asked once to give their approval for a set of predetermined actions before they begin using your app. Once approved, these transactions can take place without any further action by the user. To add an entry to the whitelist, first navigate to the Settings page of the Developer Dashboard. Then select the Whitelist tab. this will bring you to the Whitelisted Actions table.

You can add a new action to the whitelist by clicking the + icon on the top right hand side of the tab. You can then enter the necessary information about the transaction you want to allow. Keep in mind that the text you enter in the Description for User section will be shown to the user when they initially approve your whitelisted actions.

Enterprise Tip: Need to whitelist a large amount of smart contracts or blockchain actions? ORE ID offers a mass whitelisting feature available to enterprise dApp developers.

Last updated