June 2023

Change Log for ORE ID

Telos Cloud Wallet Launch


This month we’re proud to announce the launch of the Telos Could Wallet! The release of this wallet confirms the expansion of ORE ID to the Telos ecosystem and allows anyone building in the Telos Ecosystem to have access to the social signing prowess of the ORE Network. The cloud wallet launches alongside the newest feature of ORE ID, support for the signing of structured strings. This will enable our app developers to prepare transactions and authorize them for 3rd party processing.


  • (Feature) Telos Launch

    You may now create an app on the Telos ecosystem by using the provided dApp template. By selecting the template, you’ll start off with an app that is preconfigured by the Telos Foundation to provide a consistent and pleasant experience to all Telos users. Users will be able to log in using their email, Google, or Facebook accounts via the Web3 Modal architecture.

    Developers can select from two different application templates which will dictate the blockchain ecosystem that their users will have access to. The two options are:

    When creating a Telos app, app developers will need to determine whether they’d like to have their users on the Ethereum Virtual Machine or the Telos Native blockchain. Each application will only allow its users to access one of the two environments.

  • (Feature) Structured Data Signing

    ORE App developers will now be able to use the /api/custodial/sign-string and api/transaction/sign-string endpoints to sign a structured string, in accordance with the EIP-712 Standard. This means that Ethereum and Ethereum Virtual Machine transactions can now be sent to a smart contract for processing if you so choose. To sign a transaction and authorize it for processing, you’ll need to add an options object to your request with a sign_method. You can find the details in the API documentation.

Last updated